Designed by surgeons for surgeons, the LINK Embrace Shoulder System offers a state-of-the-art platform system that is ideally suited for almost all indications
in your daily practice.
Focused on modern and less-invasive shoulder care, its multiple options allow you to customize the system to meet your patients' individual needs and achieve the one important goal: to provide the best possible care for your patients.

Many years of experience with successful implant systems, fixation concepts and the latest material and coating technologies have been taken into account and applied in the design of the LINK Embrace Shoulder System.
Designed as a true platform system, it covers a broad range of indications from anatomic elective and fracture up to reverse treatment, conversion scenarios from anatomic to reverse (and back) and revision cases.

Designed as a true platform system, it covers a broad range of indications from anatomic elective and fracture up to reverse treatment, conversion scenarios from anatomic to reverse (and back) and revision cases.

The LINK Embrace Shoulder System offers diverse fixation options suitable for the majority of patient populations and indications. A wide range of stems in various configurations allows for cemented and cementless fixation and different types of stemless cages offer less invasive options with considerable bone preservation potential.

Humeral components
All humeral components are designed according to the 'onlay' concept in which all meta- and epiphyseal parts are fixed on top of the humeral, intramedullary components. This allows for easy to apply, bone and soft-tissue sparing adaptions of the components to the desired configuration, aiming to reduced compromising or damaging the surrounding tissues.
Glenoid components
The glenoid components were designed specifically to address various treatment options depending on surgeon’s choice. The surgeon can choose from multiple options of cemented UHMWPE Glenoids, cementless Convertible Glenoids and Reverse Glenoid Baseplates. Various screw options, such as Central Bone Screws and up to 4 peripheral polyaxial/ locking Bone Screws in Reverse Glenoid Baseplates allow for appropriate component fixation. Glenospheres in three different diameters with eccentric option in both CoCr and UHMWPE are available for enhanced ROM and joint stability.
Conversion to reverse configuration
Designed according to a true platform concept, the LINK Embrace System allows for conversion from anatomic to reverse joint configuration without removing the intramedullar humeral components. Anatomic components, e.g. humeral heads, can be easily replaced with reverse components such as reverse trays and inserts. Thanks to their metal-back design, Convertible Glenoids can be adapted to reverse configurations and host a Glenosphere in the course of a revision.
The LINK Embrace Shoulder System is implanted using a streamlined, lightweight and ergonomic instrument set, allowing for a straightforward workflow and high reproducibility. Multi-purpose instruments and elaborated trial components help to reduce the number of instruments and number of trays, thus enhancing the intra-operative handling and safety for both OR-staff, surgeons and patients.
The Surgical World of
LINK Embrace Shoulder System
LINK Embrace Shoulder System & mediCAD® planning tool
Thanks to the cooperation of Waldemar Link and mediCAD users benefit from the merged expertise of both companies offering a comprehensive and reliable concept for patients and surgeons. mediCAD® 3D Shoulder is a powerful software solution that allows to easily create pre-op plans in 3D for any situation and indication in shoulder arthroplasty. Plan your case, choose your implants and execute your surgery with confidence and well prepared.
mediCAD® 3D Shoulder offers
Simple analysis of CT data and automatically created 3D models
Automatic and manual segmentation of the humerus for a perfect view on the glenoid
Automatic and manual determination of glenoid inclination and version as well as of the glenoid implant parts
Automatic resection of the humeral head
Easy integration in your clinical workflow
Want to discover more? Visit:
Many years of experience with successful implant systems and fixation concepts as well as the latest material and coating technologies have been taken into account and applied in the design of the LINK Embrace Shoulder System. Designed as a true platform system, it covers a broad range of indications from anatomic elective and fracture up to reverse treatment, conversion scenarios from anatomic to reverse (and back) as well as revision cases.
The surgeon can select from various options of HX (CaP) coated stems for cementless fixation, as well as standard stems for cemented/ cementless fixation and a range of long modular stems for either cemented or cementless fixation. For glenoid treatment, UHMWPE glenoids are available for cemented fixation. Metal-backed glenoids, which are the Convertible Glenoid and the Reverse Glenoid Baseplate, come with a TrabecuLink surface, aiming at high primary stability and bone integration.
TrabecuLink is the registered trade name of a 3-dimensional structure and describes the surface of the implant. It is produced in an additive manufacturing process.
3D printing video
The pore geometry ensures excellent cell ongrowth.

Yes, the majority of the system components is cleared by the FDA for use in the US.
The LINK Embrace Shoulder System is based on an onlay concept philosophy designed to facilitate the individual adaption of the system according to the requirements of the patient. Thanks to its design, the system also facilitates the conversion of anatomic joint configurations into reverse configurations.
The LINK Embrace Shoulder System was launched onto CE market in August 2020.
Due to its high degree of inner compatibility and consistency, the LINK Embrace Shoulder System offers all relevant treatment options in only one implant system as well as a slim instrumentation consisting of just 7 sets. The simplicity and variability of the LINK Embrace Shoulder System are designed for easy intra-op handling for the surgeon and facilitated instrumentation for the nursing staff, aiming at convenient application and enhanced clinical outcomes.

Learn more about our LINK Embrace Shoulder System! Dr. Pablo Cañete San Pastor from the Hospital de Manises, Valencia, Spain and Dr. Miguel Ruiz Ibán from the Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain take you through the theory of anatomic and reverse shoulder arthroplasty and the LINK Embrace Shoulder System for proximal humerus fractures. They discuss interesting patient cases and provide valuable tips and tricks for the surgical technique.

Since 2010, the LINKademy provides a platform for in-depth discussions on new, sophisticated treatments methods and innovative surgical techniques are discussed in depth. Specialist knowledge is passed on and practical experience of new methods and products can be obtained.
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22339 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40-539 95-0